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Enforcing real time factor = 1 in gazebo


Is there a way to enforce real time factor = 1 in gazebo simulation ? I understand that it must come at expense of large or uneven time step and therefore physical accuracy.

My intention is to transmit the sensor data that is generated in Gazebo to a software that is a "Black-Box" and therefore must receive the data in real time rate.


Asked by dmeltz on 2015-03-16 12:13:00 UTC



There are a few things you could try:

  • Simplify the scenario (use objects made up of lower polygon meshes, or even better, primitives instead of meshes)
  • Change the physics engine parameters to use fewer iterations/adjust time step (risks sim becoming instable)
  • Run on a beefier CPU :)
  • Run headless (without gzclient GUI)

See also this older question about how to make Gazebo faster. Also, you might want to ask this on instead.

Asked by Stefan Kohlbrecher on 2015-03-16 15:42:29 UTC
