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gzweb, i couldn't see my own models

Hi everyone!!

I have a problem trying to simulate my robot on gzweb. I have my simulation on gazebo that works perfectly and when i run gzweb only appear the basic forms as a box or wall... that come with gzweb.

i have made export GAZEBOMODELPATH=/myrobotmodel:$GAZEBOMODELPATH.

i show in readme that when you execute ./deploy -m your model load on the server. But that command fail. It say me that model.sdf have a 1.5 and have to convert to 1.4. But that appear in the basic models of gzweb... What could i make?

what am i making worng?

my versions are gazebo2-2, ubuntu 14.04, ros indigo

Asked by zior89 on 2015-03-05 07:21:43 UTC



In my experience GAZEBOMODELPATH needs to be an absolute path.

And for Gazebo questions you can expect better response at

Asked by 130s on 2015-03-05 07:48:10 UTC


i have a post too on

Asked by zior89 on 2015-03-06 03:38:18 UTC