How to use nao camera nodelet?
I have a problem when launching roslaunch naoqi_sensors camera.launch
I get an error message telling me that the system cannot find the camera_nodelet.xml file in the nao_sensors folder.
The topics of the camera are published, but no data are transmitted from the robot.
Does anyone have an idea of how to solve this issue? I work with naoqi-1 and pynaoqi-1 on ROS hydro...
Thank you very much,
Asked by P-A on 2015-02-06 11:57:18 UTC
Is the file indeed present in your package ? The naoqi_xxx nodes have been only tested with naoqi2 and ROS Indigo, ROS Hydro should be ok but naoqi1(and sdk) I don't know.
It's weird that by launching naoqi_* you get an error related to nao_sensors. naoqi_sensors doesn't depend on any nao package.
Asked by marguedas on 2015-02-07 03:29:45 UTC
Thanks for your answer. The camera_nodelet.xml file is present in the package naoqi_sensors.
But when it is launched, it requires the camera_nodelet.xml file from nao_sensors.
Asked by P-A on 2015-02-07 05:28:17 UTC