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amcl not reacting to /initialpose topic

Hi folks,

I've set up navigation stack for my robot and all the frames seem to be correct (according to my tfthree, and>odom->baselink, etc). if I move the robot, I can see it moving in the map as well as the updated feed from all sensors.

The problem I am having is that AMCL is subscribed to the /initialpose topic, but when I give the robot an initial pose (using the "2D Pose Estimate" button), the robot does not move in rviz. When I do "rostopic echo /initialpose" I can see the data changing, but the robot image does not move in rviz.

Asked by Pototo on 2015-02-05 18:44:48 UTC


Can you give more details? Show your amcl launch file, base_local_planner_params.yaml, common_costmap_params.yaml, local_costmap_params.yaml, global_costmap_params.yaml, and the map your are trying to move on. Do you get any error messages in the window you start amcl from?

Asked by Tim Murphy on 2015-02-24 11:47:17 UTC


I am facing a similar problem now. I can't even get data by doing echo /initialpose. Similar to your situation, setting pose estimate point in RVIZ doesn't seem to be published to /initialpose topic.

How did you figure this out?

Asked by zkytony on 2016-05-02 18:02:07 UTC
