Why is pcl_ros::transformPointCloud changing the frame_id
Hi, if got the following code:
cloud_out->header.frame_id = "<out_frame>";
tf_listener_->lookupTransform( frame_out, frame_in, stamp, transform);
ROS_INFO("Frame before: %s", cloud_out->header.frame_id.c_str());
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud( *cloud_in, *cloud_out, transform );
ROS_INFO("Frame after : %s", cloud_out->header.frame_id.c_str());
The first output, gives out_frame, but after the transformation the frame is set to the frame of cloud_in
For me this looks like an error, is there a reason to change the frame_id like this?
are these sensor_msgs Pointcloud2s or pcl::Pointclouds?
They are both pcl::PointCloud<pcl::pointxyzi>::Ptr
Which version of ROS?
sry, its Ubuntu 12.04 with Hydro and pcl-1.7