Robot localization using AR tags
I am trying to make a robot localization system using AR tags positioned on the ceiling. For that I am using the artrackpackage, a Turtlebot2 robot, and a Kinect pointing upwards. The idea is to get and publish the transformation map->odom, using the fixed transformation map->armarker, and the transformation camera->armarker, obtained from the artrackalvar node.
This is the tf tree of the system I am using.
This is a part of the code I'm using to get and publish the map->odom transformation. The full code is here.
const tf::Quaternion quaternion(qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.orientation.x, qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.orientation.y, qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.orientation.z, qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.orientation.w);
const tf::Vector3 position(qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.position.x, qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.position.y, qr_positions_vector_[i].pose.position.z);
tf::Transform map_to_qr(quaternion, position);
// 1. get inverse of map->qr to obtain qr->map
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> qr_to_map_stamped (map_to_qr.inverse(), qr_pose_time, qr_frame);
// 2. get transform odom->map, transforming qr->map to odom frame
tf::Stamped<tf::Pose> odom_to_map;
bOK = true;
tf::StampedTransform odom_to_qr;
tf_listener_->lookupTransform(odom_frame, qr_frame, qr_pose_time, odom_to_qr);
// get required transform
tf_listener_->transformPose( odom_frame, qr_to_map_stamped, odom_to_map);
catch (tf::TransformException ex){
bOK = false;
// 3. get the inverse of odom->map to obtain map->odom
tf::Transform map_to_odom(tf::Quaternion(odom_to_map.getRotation()), tf::Point(odom_to_map.getOrigin()));
tf::StampedTransform map_to_odom_stamped(map_to_odom.inverse(), qr_pose_time, map_frame, odom_frame);
// 4. ignore z position
map_to_odom_stamped.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(map_to_odom_stamped.getOrigin().x(), map_to_odom_stamped.getOrigin().y(),0.0));
// 5. set rotation in x,y to 0
float yaw = getYaw(map_to_odom_stamped.getRotation());
// publish map->odom as a geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped
qr_pose_msg_ = get_msg_from_tf(map_to_odom_stamped);
// publish transform map->odom on the tf tree
} // end if(bOK)
The problem I have is that I only get an proximation of the localization of the robot. Sometimes works relatively well, but most of the time the map->odom transformation has a variation of 1 meter aprox, or even more. I would expect to have more accurate results because the camera->ar_marker (and the odom->camera) transformations are very accurate and they only have a variation of 1 or 2 cm.
Here is a short video of rviz with the problem I'm having. And here is a bag file with the topics used.
My guess is that something weird is happening with the tf times when requesting the transformation with transformPose(...), but I haven't found any solution yet to the problem.
Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Asked by JorgeArino on 2014-12-19 08:29:50 UTC