No diparity image for stereo vision using prosilica cameras
I have started working with two prosilica cameras for stereo vision. At first I downloaded the driver package for prosilica camera driver. I developed two launch files for two cameras in syncin1 and in fixed rate mode. Now after launching the files both the cameras are working. I have checked using rqt as well
rosrun image_view image_view image:=stereo/left/image_raw
but the topic /stereo/disparity is not showing anything. If I try to view the disparity image using
rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=stereo/disparity
it pops a window but there is nothing. Even in rqt if i go for visualization in the topic list the /stereo/disparity topic is not in the list. I am really stuck in here. Any help will appreciable.
Thanks in advance.