I need to write a subscribe to the cmd_vel for turtlebot
I need to write a subscribe to the cmd_vel topic, where am publishing to turtlebot the gazebo. So I want to return the speed turtlebot through the subscriber, not chei code examples for this case, I'm using an example of publisher where the directional control turtlebot in the gazebo. would be grateful for any help! !
I know I have 2 variables that the publisher would velocidada the angular and linear speed, but I need a topic that returns me the speed if not possible at least the subscriber's cmd_vel help me.
Thank you
Você diz publicar e subscrever do nó odom ? funciona mesmo com o turtlebot simulation ?
Yes it works even with turtlebot. /odom gives you the current speed and current position of your robot. But I advise you...you didn't tell too much about your project
So that's exactly what I need, first I want to publish turtlebot speed, ie move it around the map, but I'm doing it for cmd_vel topic and noticed that just do to set values for position update,
Which is the precise speed real robot just need a publisher and a simple subscribe so I can publish and move the turtle and have it return the actual speed!