Can't get interactive markers working in pr2_interactive_manipulation package
Hi all, I want to run pr2interactivemanipulation in a real robot, but it seems pretty broken. I just used it two months ago, but I don't know why it is not work now.
see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2interactivemanipulation pr2interactivemanipulation_robot.launch nav:=true
see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2interactivemanipulationfrontend pr2interactivemanipulationdesktop.launch nav:=true
the rviz appears but I can not interact with the robot - no interactive markers appear anywhere.
And the fixed frame (/map) does not exist, and I manually change it to /base_link (I run the both launch file wit nav:=true).
Note that you can see the output of robot.launch, the output just cycles the following info over and over...
" Waiting for service environmentserver/getrobotstate waitForService: Service [/environmentserver/getrobotstate] has not been advertised, waiting... "
Can you help me fix this to get interactive markers working? Thank you very much.
Asked by longlongago on 2014-10-28 21:31:42 UTC
I have solved this problem, see
Asked by longlongago on 2014-10-29 09:17:17 UTC