How to source only select workspaces ?
There are multiple catkin workspaces on my station (from different users).
If I source the setup.bash of only my workspace in my .bashrc it still sources a couple of other workspaces. Or that's what I think since I can roscd into those packages as well as see it in my ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
What is the reason for this?
Thank you
If you reset ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and re-source ~/.bashrc, what do you get ? :
At least you will know exactly what comes from your .bashrc
I did. I sourced /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash. That makes ROS_PACKAGE_PATH have just the hydro default directories. And then I sourced the setup.bash from one of my workspaces devel space. And couple other workspaces are added along with that.
How about deleting your build/ and devel/ from that workspace and rebuilding the whole workspace?