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Error with boost while building tf package in catkin ws

I'm building the imufiltermadgwick package from the imu_tools package using the command catkinmakeisolated --install --from-pkg-with-deps imufiltermadgwick. All goes well in the installation until it hits the second to last package in the package build topology, which is tf. I receive the following CMAKE error:

/root/ros_catkin_test_ws/src/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp: In member function ‘boost::signals::connection tf::Transformer::addTransformsChangedListener(boost::function<void()>)’:
/root/ros_catkin_test_ws/src/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp:575:60: error: could not convert ‘tf2::BufferCore::_addTransformsChangedListener(boost::function<void()>)(boost::function<void()>((*(const self_type*)(& callback))))’ from ‘boost::signals2::connection’ to ‘boost::signals::connection’
/root/ros_catkin_test_ws/src/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp: In member function ‘void tf::Transformer::removeTransformsChangedListener(boost::signals::connection)’:
/root/ros_catkin_test_ws/src/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp:580:49: error: no matching function for call to ‘tf2_ros::Buffer::_removeTransformsChangedListener(boost::signals::connection&)’
/root/ros_catkin_test_ws/src/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp:580:49: note: candidate is:
/root/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/include/tf2/buffer_core.h:257:8: note: void tf2::BufferCore::_removeTransformsChangedListener(boost::signals2::connection)
/root/ros_catkin_ws/install_isolated/include/tf2/buffer_core.h:257:8: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘boost::signals::connection’ to ‘boost::signals2::connection’
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/pytf_py.dir/src/tf.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/pytf_py.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Is there anyway to resolve this? I'm using a catkin workspace environment on a Debian OS. Please let me know if any additional logs are required to debug this. Thank you in advance for your help!

Asked by alainh on 2014-10-13 03:33:23 UTC


Which version of ROS are you using? It looks like you might have TF from one version of ROS and TF2 from a newer version of ROS.

Asked by ahendrix on 2014-10-13 12:29:12 UTC

Sorry I forgot: I'm using Hydro. I checked geometry and geometry-experimental from the hydro-devel branch.

Asked by alainh on 2014-10-13 14:06:42 UTC

Please edit your post to show the output of vcs status in your workspace.

Asked by tfoote on 2014-10-13 15:31:26 UTC

Hi! vcs is not available for my distribution, and I can't find a way to build or install it. I have no idea what it is referring to exactly. Is there any other common command, or a way to get the specific information you're looking for?

Asked by alainh on 2014-10-24 23:57:39 UTC

What platform are you running? You can do it manuallly, you need to list the status and remotes of your source checkouts.

Asked by tfoote on 2014-10-25 22:01:05 UTC
