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PID controller ROS node for Parrot AR Drone 2.0

I am interested in doing research regarding position control of Parrot AR Drone 2.0. I would like to develop a fuzzy logic node and compare it to a PID controller node as far as robustness for position control. I am still in the learning process and am learning about ROS and robotics concepts. I need some help regarding developing controller nodes. I have found a PID controller node in the exercises of Dr. Sturm's class: , but I'm not sure where and how I need to implement this node and how to collect data from the controller node for comparison purposes (the github link in exercise 3 for downloading the package doesn't work). I'm still fairly new to ROS and I apologize if my question is too basic. I truly appreciate your help in pointing me to the right direction, as I don't know anybody in my university who is familiar enough with ROS to help me out.

Asked by Pa El on 2014-10-09 19:30:13 UTC


This question is too open ended to be answered effectively. To get more familiar with ROS I suggest you find a book or go through the core tutorials.

Asked by tfoote on 2015-03-02 18:13:27 UTC
