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How a depth camera is modelled?

What do the values given by a depth camera represent? I am using a depth camera simulation in gazebo and I do not know which distance each pixel represents. Distance to the center of the image, distance along x axis...

  <gazebo reference="kinect_depth_frame">
    <sensor type="depth" name="fotonic">
      <camera name="fotonic">
        <horizontal_fov>1.221730476</horizontal_fov>  <!-- 70 deg -->
          <width>800</width>  <!-- 160 -->
          <height>600</height> <!-- 120 -->
          <far>7.0</far>         <!-- outdoor down to 3m depending on luminosity -->

      <plugin name="kinect_depth_optical_frame_controller" filename="">

Do you know which is the implementation?

Thank you

Asked by arenillas on 2014-09-29 05:06:24 UTC

