usarsim_inf not working with teleop_twist_keyboard [closed]
hello, I am trying to navigate a robot(P3AT) spawned in usarsim environment using keyboard from another computer where ros is installed, but its not working, please help me out, i tried a lot but can't figure out the mistake.
I am following these steps given below:-
- In one terminal Run $roscore
Spawn a Robot in usarsim, for this i am following these steps:-
A. Start usarsim, which is in another windows machine.
B. In another ros terminal Run the the following command:
$roslaunch usarsim_inf usarsim.launch
This spawns a P3AT robot in usarsim environment. and following output appears:-
... logging to /home/cr-lab-tu/.ros/log/e3f28b38-4729-11e4-959a-2c27d7efa01b/roslaunch-crlabtu-HP-Z800-Workstation-3277.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. started roslaunch server http://crlabtu-HP-Z800-Workstation:39055/ SUMMARY ======== PARAMETERS * /rosdistro * /rosversion * /usarsim/hostname * /usarsim/odomSensor * /usarsim/port * /usarsim/robotType * /usarsim/startPosition NODES / RosSim (usarsim_inf/usarsim_node) ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 core service [/rosout] found process[RosSim-1]: started with pid [3297] [ERROR] [1411920693.631497443]: Unknown conf type Camera
Then i run teleop_twist_keyboard using the following command:-
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Run the slam_gmapping node, using the following command:-
$ rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=lms200 _odom_frame:=odom
Now i can press the keyboard keys to navigate the Robot in usarsim environment, but when i do it nothing happens and following error gets added each time when i press the keyboard keys to navigate the robot, on the terminal where i launch the usarsim.launch file. errors are given below:-
[ERROR] [1411920792.568087748]: usarsimInf::peerMsg: not handling type SW_SEN_ENCODER
- I have run $rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph and i found the following rqt_graph-click to view
Then i've run the follownig command:
$ rostopic echo /cmd_vel
This generated following graph click to view
Please help me to figure out the error if any or correct way to navigate through Keyboard.
Note: I am using ROS-Fuerte on UBUNTU 10.04 LTS
You've already asked this before. Please update your old question instead of asking a new question.
hello @ahendrix, in the old question i asked regarding teleop_twist_keyboard's issue with executive_usarsim package,
but in this question i asked that usarsim_inf not working with teleop_twist_keyboard.
so they are not the same question because they are dealing with different package.