publisher is faster than callback where is called
Hi all, I'm trying to use Syncronizer class with a couple of subscribers. The two sources are published at 14 Hz and the output I publish inside the joined callback is 6 Hz, even if it's very lightweight and the two sources are very close in time (less than 10 nanoseconds). So I tried with just an ordinary callback, I listen to the input (at 14 Hz) and publish a string from inside the callback...and...surprise: I publish at 20 Hz!!! I'm faster than the source! How is it possible???
Asked by mark_vision on 2014-09-09 11:54:13 UTC
can you post your code and 2 topicnames
Asked by bvbdort on 2014-09-09 12:33:34 UTC
I just realized that I was publishing in both the callbacks, so 6 + 14 = 20 Hz. We can close the question.
Asked by mark_vision on 2014-09-10 03:43:18 UTC