AHRS Suggestion.
Hello. I'm searching for AHRS module for mobile robot navigation.
And most good like module is MTi-100 series(producted by X-Sens).
Is there anyone who have been using or used this sensor?
Is it good?
or please suggest me good AHRS module.
Thank you in advance.
Asked by Juni on 2014-09-03 21:06:55 UTC
I'm using http://wiki.ros.org/razor_imu_9dof with an Arduino NANO and GY-85 9DOF modul. This cheap solution (20 Euro) work within a few minutes of work.
Connection between Arduino NANO and GY-85:
Set type SEN-10724 at razor_imu_9dof and enjoy the next steps of calibration.
Cheers Christian
Asked by Chrimo on 2015-02-07 07:03:27 UTC
can you give me a detailed description on how you do this task as i have GY-80 and an arduino mega . can i do the same ?
Asked by hashim on 2016-02-02 14:06:25 UTC
IMU wise, you get what you pay for. CHRobotics makes great sensors in the ~100 range, Microstrain makes great sensors in the ~1000 dollar range. They both have good ROS support.
Asked by paulbovbel on 2015-03-11 20:33:30 UTC
The only one I'm familiar with is the following: link text It was done using a razor 9DOF Imu. I got the demo working, but haven't successfully implemented on my robot.
Asked by jseal on 2014-09-05 23:13:23 UTC