librviz display sensor_msgs/LaserScan
i want to use Librviz ( ) in a QT-Gui, subscribe to topic and visualize some data. I followed the tutorial; and it is doing fine. From the tutorial i've got the following:
render_panel_ = new rviz::RenderPanel();
lvw->QRvizLayout->addLayout( controls_layout );
lvw->QRvizLayout->addWidget( render_panel_ );
manager_ = new rviz::VisualizationManager( render_panel_ );
render_panel_->initialize( manager_->getSceneManager(), manager_ );
grid_ = manager_->createDisplay( "rviz/Grid", "adjustable grid", true );
Now, i want to subscribe to the topic "fts/laserscan_front", which is publishing "sensor_msgs/LaserScan"-Messages. Is there any tutorial out there, how to subscribe to a topic and visualize the messages with Librviz and qt?