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How to feed octomap_mapping with cloud points from kinect (openNI2) to start creating a map?

How to feed octomap_mapping with cloud points from kinect (openNI2) to start creating a map? I'm using Xtion kinect with openni2. Is working with no problem. Additionally I installed octomap and roslaunch the following scripts

octomapmapping.launch octomapmappingnodelet.launch octomaptrackingclient.launch octomaptracking_server.launch

I can see all the packages running in the rqt view.

Also I tried to remap cloud_in in the octomap launchfile to different of the topics provided from by openni camera.

<remap from="cloudin" to="/camera/Itried_different" />

In rqt I can see that remapping is working (can't tell you what camera topics I tried because I'm currently not in front of my ros server)

Unfortunatly no map will be build up. (rviz tells me no map available allthough I select correct topic from octomap) Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Which openNI camera topic should I remap to cloud_in? Or is there missing an addtional package to realize creating a map with octomap and openni2 with kinect (e.g. create point cloud from camera output before for octomap)?

Thanks Pat

Asked by Pat on 2014-08-18 04:50:14 UTC



The right answer should be with help of rgbdslam. So answered by myself and closed.

Asked by Pat on 2014-08-22 04:35:03 UTC
