Any ROS node for Moving Obstacle Detection and Calculating its Speed using LIDAR?

asked 2014-08-03 05:57:39 -0500

I need to find dynamic obstacles in surrounding and their speeds using SICK LMS111. I tried lidar_tracking node at ROS wiki, but they don't have their code !

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bvbdort gravatar image bvbdort  ( 2014-08-03 14:56:01 -0500 )edit

Thanks for the code link. But the package depends on "dynamic_obs_msgs". As there is no such configuration file included in my ROS distro (hydro), building the package is giving an error. Should I create this configuration file at my own ? And if, how?

Akash gravatar image Akash  ( 2014-08-04 09:20:48 -0500 )edit

sorry no idea !!

bvbdort gravatar image bvbdort  ( 2014-08-04 09:38:08 -0500 )edit

@bvbdort , the link you gave is not working.. would you kindly repost a new link.

ronalddas gravatar image ronalddas  ( 2016-06-12 23:46:09 -0500 )edit