gazebo_arm_and_hand.launch problem [closed]

asked 2014-08-02 07:38:50 -0500

Samper-Esc gravatar image

updated 2014-08-02 10:45:16 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

I have installed ROS Hydro and the Shadow_Robot's package

when i do

roslaunch sr_hand gazebo_arm_and_hand.launch

for spawing the model in gazebo, the robot seems that has collapsed inside the support.

gazebo's information while this spawn takes place is:

Msg Connected to gazebo master @
Msg Publicized address:
[INFO] [WallTime: 1406982308.840069] [0.596000] Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned model
[INFO] [WallTime: 1406982308.840616] [0.596000] Waiting for service /gazebo/set_model_configuration
[INFO] [WallTime: 1406982308.842672] [0.596000] Calling service /gazebo/set_model_configuration
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::palm::palm_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[PR2/Grey2] for Geometry[shadow_model::wrist::wrist_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::thhub::thhub_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::thbase::thbase_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::thdistal::thdistal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::thmiddle::thmiddle_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::rfdistal::rfdistal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::rfmiddle::rfmiddle_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::mfdistal::mfdistal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::mfmiddle::mfmiddle_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::lfdistal::lfdistal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::lfmiddle::lfmiddle_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::ffmiddle::ffmiddle_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::ffdistal::ffdistal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::thproximal::thproximal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::rfproximal::rfproximal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::mfproximal::mfproximal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::lfproximal::lfproximal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::ffproximal::ffproximal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::lfmetacarpal::lfmetacarpal_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::shadowarm_trunk::shadowarm_trunk_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry[shadow_model::shadowarm_upperarm::shadowarm_upperarm_visual. Object will appear white
Warning [] Unable to get Material[LightGrey] for Geometry ...
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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2018-01-30 22:12:47.043765