Difference in configuration files from pr2_moveit_generated and pr2_moveit_config
Hi, I'm looking at the tutorials on the PR2 given on http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/PR2/Rviz_Plugin/Quick_Start and http://moveit.ros.org/wiki/PR2/Gazebo/Quick_Start.
So I noticed that in the Rvizplugin tutorial, they launch the file from the package pr2moveitconfig, while in the Gazebo tutorial, they launch it from the pr2moveit_generated package. Now the first immediate difference I notice is that I'm missing an interactive marker when I do the Gazebo tutorial.
I look into the launch files of pr2moveitconfig and there are subtle differences than the pr2moveitgenerated. Why is this happening? Also, how do I restore the interactive markers?
Interesting side note: I used the Moveit! setup assistance to create a new configuration file for my robot, and the interactive marker appears, but not on the pr2moveitgenerated package.
ROS version: Groovy Ubuntu: 12.04 LTS I installed Moveit! using this: http://moveit.ros.org/groovy/wiki/Installation.
Asked by silentwf on 2014-06-30 11:12:43 UTC
Had to break the links cuz my "karma is insufficient to include links"...
Asked by silentwf on 2014-06-30 11:13:09 UTC