TF Transformation and flickering sensor data in rviz
I´m using a sr4000 swissranger camera to get sensor data. The camera is connected by network with my workstation. The pointcloud of the sensor data I´m visualizing in rviz. To show the proper point of view I´m using the tf-package with the statictransformpublisher. The command line in my launch file looks somehow like this:
Everything works fine, except of a flickering, that shows up every few seconds. It seems like the tf isn´t working at this moment, because the pointcloud shows up at it´s primarily orientation without tf. I know that the last value of the argument (here 500) sets the period how often to transform. In my case 500ms corresponds to 50hz of the camera. I´ve played around with this value, but the best results I got with values around zero. Sadly there I got also the flickering, but less often than with value 500.
Has anybody an idea how to get rid of this flickering?
Many Greetings Michael W.
Asked by MichaelW on 2014-06-23 06:22:59 UTC
Hi MichaelW, if your problem is just to fix the flickering in the display, try increasing the "queue size" parameter of your point cloud object in rviz.
Asked by al-dev on 2014-06-23 06:53:03 UTC
I´ve tried already to increase the queue size, but it didn´t help. Any other suggestions?
Asked by MichaelW on 2014-06-23 16:29:49 UTC