SBPLLatticePlanner local planner [closed]
Dear all.
I have a differential mobile robot and I am successfuly using SBPLLatticePlanner
as a global planner as part of the navigation stack. I tested the robot with :
base_global_planner: SBPLLatticePlanner
base_local_planner: dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS
allocated_time: 10
initial_epsilon: 15.0
lethal_obstacle: 20.0
And I also tested the robot by commenting out # base_local_planner: dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS
I am using genmprim_unicycle.m
to generate motion primitives.
I have experience some issues.
1.- When I comment out base_local_planner: dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS
and then I set the goal behind the robot from the current position, the robot does not turn back towards the goal. It starts shaking left-right instead.
2.-The robot does not follow the path close enough, meaning that in crashes with obstacles even though I have set inflation_radius
accordingly to the footprint of the robot.
The questions are:
1 .- Is there any local base planner that must be use together with SBPLLatticePlanner
2.- Which parameters I need to tune or set in order for the robot to turn back when I set the goal behind it?
In advance thank you for your replay.