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MoveIt Setup Assistant - Self Collisions when scaling


I am setting up my robot via the MoveIt setup Assistant. I have .dae/Collada-Files of my robot, where the scale is in mm. Therefore, there is a line in the collada file <unit name="meter" meter="0.001"/>.

Then I created an urdf for my robot, with links and everything. When I import the file into the setup assitant, everything looks fine. But after creating the defaul collision matrix, almost every segment is either in collision per default or always in collision (I think those where the two terms). Even, if there is no way those elements could touch and alle the joints are set to fixed, every element somehow collides with each other. I have tried it with and without extra collision-tags and corresponding meshes in the URDF, it makes no difference.

Now comes the big "but": When I set the scale in the dae files to 1m (making them very big) and then import those meshes with a reduced scale into my URDF file (with <mesh filename="package://my_robot_model/cad/segment_3.dae" scale="0.001 0.001 0.001"/>), everything works fine. The robot has the proper scale, and the collision matrix is generated properly.

Why is that?

Thanks in advance,


Asked by Rabe on 2014-06-16 04:04:46 UTC

