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connect wii to computer

I am trying to get a wiimote connected to my computer. For this I am using the wiimote package (

i am following these steps link (

At step 3 after starting the wiimote node i press the buttons 1 and 2 as stated, nothing happens the cursor just keeps on blinking.

when i press the buttons on the wiimote the blue lights blink on the wiimote.

screen shot of the terminal. (

can anybody help me with this problem???

Asked by sbanzal93 on 2014-06-09 01:23:21 UTC



um. i can't see the screen shot (that is a local path)

do you get: Wiimote read error read error (nunchuck cal)

if so, the wiimote maybe connected (no blue lights on the wiimote) type: rostopic echo wiimote/state/buttons

the other thing i did is open up bluetooth in linux and pair the wiimote. i am not sure what worked

Asked by rk brown on 2014-06-10 23:55:43 UTC


no i do not get this error

Here is the link for the screen shot

i also tried rostopic echo wiimote/state/buttons here is what i am getting

Asked by sbanzal93 on 2014-06-11 02:35:58 UTC

i opened the bluetooth in linux to connect manually

i press the button( 1+2 ) on the wiimote,

the name Nintendo RVL-CNT-01 appears the i continue after trying to connect it shows

setting up 'Nintendo RVl-CVL-01' has failed

Asked by sbanzal93 on 2014-06-11 04:19:58 UTC