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How do I submit a ROS tutorial for beginners?

The tutorial is a general purpose tutorial on writing a node with parameters, multiple publishers and subscribes to more than one topic. It is a beginner or intermediate tutorial for sure. Only option when I get is for a package tutorial or stack tutorial which it is not either. See page for new turtorial:

Related question is there a review process to approve the tutorials and also review for errors before it can be viewed by others. I see there is a process for code package submissions but not general purpose tutorials. Thanks

Asked by billtecteacher on 2014-06-07 16:37:01 UTC


Did something go wrong posting the tutorial to the wiki? Looking at the recent changes, there is a page called '@PAGE@', and another '@PAGE@ Writing a Complex Node', which seems to suggest naming of the page didn't go as it should have. Also, fullsearch is normally not needed to link to a page.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2014-06-09 05:36:39 UTC

No errros occured when I tried to set the page up. Did not get to the point of adding information to PAGE. @PAGE@ is the one I can edit. I cannot edit @PAGE@ Writing a Complex Node. Is that ok?

Asked by billtecteacher on 2014-06-10 08:50:03 UTC

I've created a copy of your tutorial on a (temporary) new page, see You can probably delete the other two. Just need to find a proper place for your tutorial now. The tutorial index page isn't really necessary.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2014-06-10 10:21:42 UTC
