Trying to run ardrone_driver and stuck on "Checking AR.Drone version"
After I installed ROS on my Ubuntu 12.04.4 machine I followed the instructions of this tutorial to install ardrone_autonomy package and tum_ardrone package:
When I successfully installed all the required packages, I followed the steps to Run the packages with the command rosrun.
Before executing the "rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver" command I connected to the ARdrone 2.0 via wifi. The ip address of the drone is
When I execute the command "rosrun ardrone_autonomy ardrone_driver" I get stuck on "Checking AR.Drone version"
Any suggestion how to solve this?
FYI: I tested the ardrone with my ipad and the freeflight app and it works perfectly. After testing it I pressed the reset button on the drone (leds flashed and the drone reset) because i read that it might still be paired with the ipad.