rosserial between two computers running full ros
I'd like to communicate over serial between two computers running full ros. All the tutorials are for embedded devices and arduinos. I feel like this has to be simple, but I'm clearly missing something and your help is greatly appreciated.
I've tried running the "rosrun rosserial_python" on both computers simultaneously, but the serial nodes are unable to establish a connection and instead throwing an error. I'm guessing that this is because you need the roscore on one computer to run the rosserial host, while the other computer is the client? I've tried having just one computer run the rosserial_python, assuming the other computer automatically generates the client library upon initialization of any new nodes once you've installed rosserial, but alas this doesn't work (a.k.a. I am unable to publish/ subscribe to topics across computers). Do I need to write custom code for the client computer or something?
My setup: A pc running Ubuntu 12.04 with full ROS, a Beaglebone Black running Ubuntu 12.04 with full ROS, serial communication via 3DR Radios (USB0 on the pc and UART ttyO1 on the Beaglebone Black). rosserial is installed in both computers.
must you use the serial for communication? I met a similar problem and my solution is using your pc to host a hotpoint then let your BB join the network, then just treat them as but it will take an extra USB port. Maybe you can use the LAN bridge
So to enable wireless communication, I assume you're talking about using Wifi 802.11? I was hoping to take advantage of the additional range offered by a 3DR radio I have that communicates via a serial connection. Wifi certainly would be an alternative solution.
if you are using the Radio module from 3DR, I suggest you try the package RosCopter because of the MAVLink protocal
Thank you for the suggestion. I'm attempting a non-standard configuration in which the 3DR radio is connected to a BeagleBone rather than the Ardupilot. Therefore, I'm no longer using the MAVLink protocol, but instead trying to send ROS messages through the beaglebone serial port via the radio.