Data Folder in the face Recognition package
I am trying to make a face recognition on fuerte distribution ,,, I download the package from here """ """ then i execute all steps as following
- roscore
- roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
- rosrun rviz rviz >>> and here i edit the fixed frame to ""cameradepthoptical_frame""and added PointCloud2 and set the topic to /camera/depth/points
- rosrun imageview imageview image:=/camera/rgb/image_color
- roscd face_recognition
- rosrun face_recognition Fserver
- rosrun face_recognition Fclient
- rostopic pub -1 /frorder facerecognition/FRClientGoal -- 2 "Somaya"
- rostopic pub -1 /frorder facerecognition/FRClientGoal -- 0 "none"
- rostopic pub -1 /frorder facerecognition/FRClientGoal -- 1 "none"
- rostopic pub -1 /frorder facerecognition/FRClientGoal -- 4 "none"
but after all these no images are added in the data folder ????
Asked by smart engineer on 2014-05-05 08:47:43 UTC