Face_Recognition using kinect in Fuerte [closed]

asked 2014-05-02 00:59:34 -0500

smart engineer gravatar image

updated 2014-05-02 01:00:41 -0500

The main problem is in saving images to the data file .....

I execute the following commands :: 1_roscore 2_roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch 3-rosrun rviz rviz 4-rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure 5_rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_color 6-roscd face_recognition 7-rosrun face_recognition Fserver 8-rosrun face_recognition Fclient ..... till here every thing work , but the rostopic part ,i can't understand how to use it at all . """rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 2 "your_name",,,, rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 1 "none" ,,,, rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 2 "your_friend's_name",,, rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 0 "none",,,, rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 1 "none" ,,,, rostopic pub -1 /fr_order face_recognition/FRClientGoal -- 4 "none" ,,,,"""" Is there any differences will occur if I use Groovy or Fuerte distribution ????

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Closed for the following reason duplicate question by ahendrix
close date 2014-05-02 06:15:10


Please stop opening duplicate questions. Expect at least 1-2 days for a reply on a question or comment; not all of us are in the same time zone.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2014-05-02 06:15:04 -0500 )edit