PR2 Kinect (maybe moveit)
I'm having an strange problem. I have the PR2 running and I start the kinect with the predefined openni_head file. Then in my computer I launch the demo from moveit.
# server
roslaunch /etc/ros/openni_head.launch
# computer
roslaunch pr2_moveit_config demo.launch
After that is launched for some reason the Robotstate display appears static with some default position of the robot and the MotionPlanner display appears with the good position.
I delete the *RobotState display because it's practically interfering, and then it looks good.
Now I use the PointCloud2 display with the topic /kinecthead/depthregistered/points and I get something that it's switching from one state to another. The 2 images below explain it all. The second one is the correct one.
One weird thing, it's that when I try to use rviz (without the demo.launch, only with the rosrun rviz rviz
) and I add the PointCloud2 display and everything with the odom_combined as my fixed frame, rviz crashes every time. So now I'm only able to see these results only with the demo.launch file I said before.
I don't know what happens or why it happens. Hopefully you guys can help me with that.
Asked by silgon on 2014-04-19 05:28:03 UTC