[fake_pi_robot.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rbx1_bringup] nor is [rbx1_bringup] a launch file name
I'm using groovy on ubuntu 12.04. rbx_vol_1 is a package I downloaded through svn checkout http://ros-by-example.googlecode.com/... ,then I rosmake it ,there is no failures existing. In order to ensure that the package can be visible in my ROS package path,I run rospack profile after rosmake rbx_vol_1. then I launch the note :roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_pi_robot.launch ,error occurs,[fake_pi_robot.launch] is neither a launch file in package [rbx1_bringup] nor is [rbx1_bringup] a launch file name. Please help me ,thank you in advance!
rospack profile does NOT add packages to the ROS package path. As the build succeeded I'm assuming that you already did that. Given that: Is fake_pi_robot.launch a launch file in package rbx1_bringup? What do you get for rospack find rbx1_bringup?
I met the problem that is the same with you.Please ask you how to solve this problem.Please help me ,thank you in advance!