Merging 2 pcl from kinects
Hi all,
I am trying to merge two pointclouds from kinects, convert this merged pointcloud data into 2D image and publish the image data as a topic. I am using ros fuerte.
Here is my launch file:
<!--broadcasting the transformation from world frame to kinect frames-->
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="overhead_kinect1" args="-0.37 0.94 1.04 0 0.83 -1.57 /world_base_link /overhead_kinect1_link 40" />
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="overhead_kinect2" args=" 0.37 0.98 1.02 0 0.80 -1.57 /world_base_link /overhead_kinect2_link 40" />
<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch">
<arg name="camera" value="overhead_kinect1"/>
<arg name="depth_registration" value="false" />
<!--<arg name="device_id" value="A00365911792039A"/>-->
<arg name="device_id" value="002@18"/>
<include file="$(find openni_launch)/launch/openni.launch">
<arg name="camera" value="overhead_kinect2"/>
<arg name="depth_registration" value="false" />
<!--<arg name="device_id" value="000000000000000"/>-->
<arg name="device_id" value="002@20"/>
<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz"
args="-d $(find ar_marker_detection_multiple)/ar_marker_detection.vcg"/>
<node pkg="ar_marker_detection_multiple" type="ar_kinect" name="ar_kinect" respawn="false" output="screen"/>
and part of the code responsible for merging:
ros::Publisher pub;
tf::TransformListener *listener;
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 output, output1, output2;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> output_pcl, output1_pcl, output2_pcl;
void cloud_cb1(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& input1) {
listener->waitForTransform("/world_base_link", (*input1).header.frame_id, (*input1).header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));
sensor_msgs::PointCloud &pcout) const
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/world_base_link", *input1, output1, *listener);
pcl::fromROSMsg(output1, output1_pcl);
output_pcl = output1_pcl;
output_pcl += output2_pcl;
pcl::toROSMsg(output_pcl, output);
void cloud_cb2(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& input2) {
listener->waitForTransform("/world_base_link", (*input2).header.frame_id, (*input2).header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));
sensor_msgs::PointCloud &pcout) const
pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/world_base_link", *input2, output2, *listener);
pcl::fromROSMsg(output2, output2_pcl);
output_pcl = output2_pcl;
output_pcl += output1_pcl;
pcl::toROSMsg(output_pcl, output);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
ros::init (argc, argv, "ar_kinect");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ARPublisher ar_kinect (n);
listener = new tf::TransformListener();
ros::Subscriber sub1 = n.subscribe("/overhead_kinect1/depth_registered/points", 1, cloud_cb1);
ros::Subscriber sub2 = n.subscribe("/overhead_kinect2/depth_registered/points", 1, cloud_cb2);
pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/overhead_kinect_merged/depth_registered/points", 1);
ros::spin ();
return 0;
When I run one kinect alone I get data from /camera/deprth_registered/points
, but when I merge - no response from /overhead_kinect_merged/depth_registered/points
. Also the serial number of one kinect is zeros (which is rather weird), that's why I switched to bus parameters.
I am running out of ideas what could be the cause for it. I would be very thankful for any help or idea.
Do the two Kinects actually work? I mean without the whole merging stuff. Do you get an image from both Kinects?
Yes, both of them work absolutely fine separately
Do you mean with separately, both together but without merging or each Kinect at a time?
Both situations. If I run roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch for the 1st and then for the 2nd kinect - I get the data. When I run the lunch file specified above I get data from /overhead_kinect1 ( and 2) /depth_registered/points, but not from /overhead_kinect_merged/depth_registered/points
Did you check that your callbacks get called properly?
I don't know why, but when I changed 'depth_registered' to 'depth' it started giving me a merged point cloud. So it's solved, but why it did not work for 'depth_registered' is still a question.