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Keyboard Teleop and doesn't work

Hi all, I have a turtlebot 2. I roslaunch "turtlebotbringup minimal.launch" on turtlebot and "turtlebotteleop keyboard_teleop.launch" on my workstation after ssh into turtlebot PC. There were no errors. Afterwards I press "w" which increase only linear speed by 10%, but nothing happend. Can anyone tell me why? Thanks!

Asked by fuchangjie on 2014-03-28 19:44:12 UTC


do you launch both in seperate shells ssh'ed to the turtlebot? Or is the teleop on the workstation without ssh?

Asked by demmeln on 2014-03-29 11:04:04 UTC

Hi Demmeln, I cannot catch you, because even without SSH, and just launch the keyboard_teleop.launch might get the right outcome, I guess. If I'm wrong, pls point it out, thanks!

Asked by Yantian_Zha on 2014-03-29 14:54:21 UTC

It should work, it is just not quite clear how exactly your setup looks like. So you have two terminals, one ssh and roslauch the minimal.launch, and one without ssh with the teleop launch? Open a 3rd terminal. What does rosnode list output? What does roswtf output?

Asked by demmeln on 2014-03-29 20:36:15 UTC


Please make sure three things.

  1. Both computers are in the same ROS_MASTER_URI

launching keyboard teleop node without configuration would not know how to access turtlebot..

  1. ROS_HOSTNAME of both copmuters are set with their own ip address

ROS_HOSTNAME is an optional environment variable that sets the declared network address of a ROS Node or tool.

  1. Check velocity topic is connected properly.

Check rostopic list and rostopic info to make sure keyboard teleop is publishing and turtlebot is subscribing to the same topic.

Asked by jihoonl on 2014-03-30 13:51:48 UTC


You might want to set up your network properly instead of fiddling with ROS_HOSTNAME:

Asked by demmeln on 2014-03-31 03:29:01 UTC

Hi demmeln and jihoonl, sorry for the late reply. Problem has been solved. After running rxgraph, I found problems in turtlebot_teleop package, and corrected it.

Asked by Yantian_Zha on 2014-04-01 02:31:14 UTC


Ok good. Please mark this as being solved by accepting an answer.

Asked by demmeln on 2014-04-01 02:45:22 UTC

What was the problem in turtlebot_telop package?

Asked by jihoonl on 2014-04-01 13:08:22 UTC

I also want to know the problem in turtlebot_teleop package, because my turtlebot2 works normally with a turtlebot_teleop package on Hydro.

Asked by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-04-01 20:28:59 UTC

@Ken_in_JAPAN: Where is the problem if it works?

Asked by demmeln on 2014-04-02 02:20:14 UTC

After I download a package from source and compile it with catkin_make, I moved a turtlebot two weeks ago. I guess a problem of setting as jhool answers. But, Yantian_zha said to all, "I found problems in turtlebot_teleop package" so, I wanted to know the problem.

Asked by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-04-02 06:15:28 UTC

@Yantian_Zha: Thanks for the update. Please mark this as being solved by accepting an answer.

Asked by demmeln on 2014-04-03 04:51:11 UTC

@Yantian_Zha: Thanks for giving us some information and the update!

Asked by Ken_in_JAPAN on 2014-04-03 06:54:43 UTC

You're welcome!

Asked by Yantian_Zha on 2014-04-04 16:52:17 UTC

I guess this problem has little value to learn, because my package is installed from turtlebot officially, which might be different from you all. Problem is simple: after I rxgraph, I found problems in nodes connection, and then I check the launch file, found errors in it. I corrected it and rosmake that package again. Or maybe I did something wrong to turtlebot_teleop package previous(I think this possibility is tiny).

Asked by Yantian_Zha on 2014-04-03 00:42:46 UTC
