Reinforcement Learning using texplore package
I have been using the texplore package for learning. As you run the algorithm, at what point does the algorithm stop learning? For example
I ran th below command for the environment
rosrun rl_env env --env taxi --stochastic
and below command for the agent
rosrun rl_agent agent --agent sarsa
But running a while, I noticed that the algorithm doesnt stop learning. It would go on for thousands of episode! How do I go about this?
Asked by dnth on 2014-03-25 18:52:42 UTC
Dear dnth, I myself need to use texplore package to implement it on some simple robot in gazebosim. Please guide how should I start. It would be highly appreciated if you can send me your email address as well as I hope to be using texplore (rather learning to use it) for next 5 to 6 months! My email address:
Asked by mudassar on 2014-03-29 07:31:18 UTC
Hi! You can read the guide on the tutorial page which is sufficient in understanding the package. My email is dickson.neoh AT gmail DOT com
Asked by dnth on 2014-03-30 23:36:35 UTC