hector_pose_estimation launch file
I need to use hectorposeestimation package to improve my robot's localization using IMU. (I am using hector_slam.)
But i couldn't find any primitive launch file or example about how to use hectorposeestimation package. does any one have a sample launch file which includes hectorposeestimation and hector_mapping?
By the way, my major issue is about TF tree connections and how to affect hectorposeestimation output on Robot's localization. ............................................
Asked by Alireza on 2014-02-26 22:00:38 UTC
There doesn't appear to be any documentation on the hector_pose_estimation node. I would read the source for it and/or email the authors.
Asked by ahendrix on 2014-03-04 09:41:22 UTC
It was a long time ago but have you figured out how to deal with pose estimation and hector mapping?
The two packages have problems running together and don't find why...
Asked by quentin on 2015-12-07 22:34:17 UTC