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SimpleActionServer issue on Ubuntu Maverick

Hello all,

I am initializing an actionlib::SimpleActionServer<control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryAction> server_ in my constructor as follows:

RobotinoGrappler::RobotinoGrappler(const std::string& fname):
    server_(nh_, "/follow_joint_trajectory",
            boost::bind(&RobotinoGrappler::execute, this, _1), false) { [..] }

This works perfectly on my Ubuntu Lucid (running ros-electric lucid) but the same code compiles fine on Ubuntu Maverick (running ros-electric maverick) but when I run the node, it gets stuck in the RobotinoGrappler constructor where the SimpleActionServer is intialized.

Any ideas what might be the problem?

Cheers, Hozefa

Asked by Hozefa Indorewala on 2012-02-07 21:43:42 UTC


Can you please clarify what error you are receiving? Is it at compile time or at run-time? Does the node run but it waits forever for the topic?

Asked by Lorenzo Riano on 2012-02-08 02:06:34 UTC
