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How to fix 'Transform unavailable Lookup would require extrapolation into the past' problem? [closed]

asked 2012-02-01 16:28:33 -0500

sam gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:11:14 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I follow this doc pr2_2dnav_slam.

And I run:

 roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2_empty_world.launch
 rosrun pr2_tuckarm -r t -l t
 export ROBOT=sim
 roslaunch pr2_2dnav_slam pr2_2dnav.launch

It showed the error:

 [ INFO] [1328163767.516021578, 6.900000000]: Self see link name base_link      padding 0.01
  -maxUrange 16 -maxUrange 9.99 -sigma     0.05 -kernelSize 1 -lstep 0.05      -lobsGain 3 -astep 0.05
  -srr 0.01 -srt 0.02 -str 0.01 -stt 0.02
  -linearUpdate 0.5 -angularUpdate 0.436 -resampleThreshold 0.5
  -xmin -50 -xmax 50 -ymin -50 -ymax 50 -delta 0.05 -particles 80
 [ INFO] [1328163768.040982527, 7.052000000]: Initialization complete
 update frame 0
 update ld=0 ad=0
 Laser Pose= 0.000151543 -1.3232e-07 -0.000122521
 m_count 0
 Registering First Scan
 [ERROR] [1328163769.108724810, 7.251000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.051000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.220000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ WARN] [1328163769.116421651, 7.251000000]: MessageFilter      [target=/r_shoulder_pan_link /l_shoulder_pan_link /l_upper_arm_link      /l_upper_arm_link /r_upper_arm_link /r_shoulder_lift_link /l_shoulder_lift_link      /r_forearm_link /l_forearm_link /r_elbow_flex_link /l_elbow_flex_link      /l_gripper_palm_link /r_gripper_palm_link /r_forearm_roll_link /l_forearm_roll_link      /l_upper_arm_roll_link /l_upper_arm_roll_link /r_upper_arm_roll_link      /l_gripper_r_finger_link /l_gripper_l_finger_link /r_gripper_l_finger_link      /r_gripper_r_finger_link /r_wrist_flex_link /l_wrist_flex_link      /l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link /l_gripper_l_finger_tip_link /r_gripper_l_finger_tip_link      /r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link /r_wrist_roll_link /l_wrist_roll_link ]: Discarding      message from [/base_shadow_filter] due to empty frame_id.  This message will      only print once.
 [ERROR] [1328163769.148975500, 7.264000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.001000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.200000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ WARN] [1328163769.149285037, 7.251000000]: MessageFilter      [target=/base_link /r_shoulder_pan_link /l_shoulder_pan_link /l_upper_arm_link      /r_upper_arm_link /l_upper_arm_link /r_shoulder_lift_link /l_shoulder_lift_link      /r_forearm_link /l_forearm_link /r_elbow_flex_link /l_elbow_flex_link      /l_gripper_palm_link /r_gripper_palm_link /l_forearm_roll_link /r_forearm_roll_link      /l_upper_arm_roll_link /l_upper_arm_roll_link /r_upper_arm_roll_link      /l_gripper_r_finger_link /r_gripper_r_finger_link /r_gripper_l_finger_link      /l_gripper_l_finger_link /r_wrist_flex_link /l_wrist_flex_link      /r_gripper_l_finger_tip_link /r_gripper_r_finger_tip_link /l_gripper_l_finger_tip_link      /l_gripper_r_finger_tip_link /r_wrist_roll_link /l_wrist_roll_link ]: Discarding      message from [/tilt_shadow_filter] due to empty frame_id.  This message will only      print once.
 [ERROR] [1328163769.888125008, 7.451000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.101000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.220000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ERROR] [1328163769.990134966, 7.469000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.026000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.200000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ERROR] [1328163770.709514177, 7.651000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.151000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.220000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ERROR] [1328163770.822989226, 7.693000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.051000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.200000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ERROR] [1328163771.430320613, 7.851000000]: Transform unavailable      Lookup would require extrapolation into the past.  Requested time 7.201000000      but the earliest data is at time 7.220000000, when looking up transform from frame      [/base_footprint] to frame [/base_link]
 [ WARN] [1328163771.438618105, 7.851000000]: Message from      [/base_shadow_filter] has a non-fully-qualified frame_id [base_footprint]. Resolved ...
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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2013-12-29 12:53:20


DId you figure this out? I am having same issue.

jys gravatar image jys  ( 2013-01-22 03:12:19 -0500 )edit

I've a similar problem: "[ERROR] [1391230904.750994442, 395.739000000]: Extrapolation Error: Unable to lookup transform, cache is empty, when looking up transform from frame [/odom_combined] to frame [/map]". Maybe take a look at the tf tree using "rosrun tf view_frames"

sven-cremer gravatar image sven-cremer  ( 2014-01-31 17:07:48 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2013-01-28 01:17:41 -0500

mkillpack gravatar image

If exporting the robot variable isn't happening in your launch files, you should probably do that first. Have you tried setting the rosparameter "use_sim_time" to true? It looks like a synchronization issue which I usually see when either two computers communicating by ROS aren't synchronized or I've forgotten to use the simulated time. Good luck.

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I try to run: rosparam set use_sim_time true; but without luck.

sam gravatar image sam  ( 2013-01-29 23:10:28 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2012-02-01 16:28:33 -0500

Seen: 2,708 times

Last updated: Jan 28 '13