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Could someone fix the Arch install directions for me?

Hello, I don't use Arch, but I have a friend that does and he needed help. His arch did not install a /usr/bin/easyinstall symlink so he had to run /usr/bin/easyinstall-2.7

I added a note to the arch install page but it's on the wrong step and I am terrible at writing.

It's in the wrong step since the 'rosinstall' step is inherited and it might affect other distributions' install pages too. Ideally you could just edit that step and not use a 'note'.

So, could someone who's decent at writing and uses arch verify this / make it look proper.

Asked by Murph on 2012-01-31 03:11:35 UTC


Also, I guess there are issues with arch linking 'python' to python 3 instead of python 2.

Asked by Murph on 2012-01-31 03:28:33 UTC
