Which point on the object does pose refer to in roboearth detector?
I am using the re_kinect_object_detector for detecting objects that have been modeled using the re_object_recorder. I was able to get the pose of the object being detected (Pose of the object in Roboearth). However, I was unable to find out in the documentation about which point on the object does the pose return. For example, if we use the videogame cover as the object, during detection there are multiple points on the object that is highlighted as red indicating that these have been detected. But which point does the pose correspond to? This is important because the object itself will take several units in the x,y,z axis, so knowing exactly which point the object is located will help me to track the object pass its information for other modules.
I am using ROS Electric on Ubunto 11.04. Thanks for your help!