Problem installing openni on ubuntu 10.04
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to install the openni drivers followind this guide:
In section 3.2 step one they say to type in terminal:
hg clone
cd drivers
make install
Because of some "Permission Denied" I added sudo command before make and make install. There is still a problem, in sudo make install after a while is displayed:
sudo /bin/bash ./CONTROL/openni_postinst configure
Failed: Failed to write to the file!
make: *** [install_openni] Error 255
In file ./CONTROL/openni_postinst the commands at configure session are:
/usr/bin/niReg -r /usr/lib/ /etc/openni
/usr/bin/niReg -r /usr/lib/ /etc/openni
/usr/bin/niReg -r /usr/lib/ /etc/openni
Obviously also trying to execute the three command directly in the terminal it still gives me the error.
Anyone knows how to solve this problem? It seems that I don't have the permission to write to a file, but since I don't know where /usr/bin/niReg wants to write I can't do anything.
Any help would be appreciated.
Asked by Loix on 2011-11-30 22:27:46 UTC
I suggest you try the openni mailing list on the wiki page.
Asked by tfoote on 2012-04-03 18:03:11 UTC