urg_node single echo scan error
I'm using the urg_node to run the hokuyo utm 30lx ew. I have the lidar set up through a wireless router, I only need it for a single scan(not a multiscan).
Occasionally, the node shoots me the warnings,
Could not grab single echo scan.
I get 5 warnings, then it tries to reconnect. After the reconnect fails, the sequence happens again. Then finally, it successfully reconnects.
This would happen pretty maybe once every 1-3 minutes.
Is there is a way to get rid the scan retrieving failure?
Thank you!
Edit: It was because of the wireless set up that I was receiving these errors, should have figured, with the publish rates, it was bound to lose some thing. When connected to the network with Ethernet, I did not receive 1 warning. Should have done more testing before posting this question up.
Appreciate anyone who took time to read this.
Asked by pwong on 2014-01-14 11:30:31 UTC
Having the same problem - using the urg node to run the 04LX Classic and I'm not getting any data.
Asked by Clancy on 2015-04-02 22:41:06 UTC
Fixed it. Downloaded "upgrade" and "reset" attachments from this website (directions on website):
Ran the programs.
Then I cycled the power on the laser and everything seemed to work fine.
Asked by Clancy on 2015-04-02 23:08:50 UTC
Are the "upgrade" and "reset" commands 64bit programs? I am trying to run them on an Odroid X-U4(3 bit) and I get the error " cannot execute binary file: Exec format error" which apparently means the files are not 32bit like the system is.
Asked by mtbuckson on 2017-01-16 08:33:43 UTC
@mtbuckson: answered in #q252099.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2017-01-16 08:54:53 UTC