COB in RVIZ without meshes
I'm working with COB (Care-O-Bot) simulations. Unfortunately my computer doesn't have enough RAM so I'm running Gazebo headless (without this feature simulation eats all my memory). But when I run RVIZ there is incomplete robot model - without meshes as you can see in first picture.
export ROBOT=cob3-2 export ROBOT_ENV=ipa-kitchen export SIMX=-r roslaunch cob_bringup sim.launch
My question - is it caused by running Gazebo headless or is there different problem?
I tried to put just URDF model into Gazebo empty world and meshes are in their place... Used commands:
rosrun xacro cob3-2.urdf.xacro > cob.urdf roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch rosrun gazebo spawn_model -file cob.urdf -urdf -model cob3-2
I'm going to buy more memory of course but now I'm curious about this problem so any information will be appreciated.
UPDATE: Ogre.log, output of