Beagle-ROS not working [closed]

asked 2014-01-05 21:58:43 -0500

atenea gravatar image

updated 2014-01-28 17:18:56 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image


I am trying to get the Beagle-ros working on my beaglebone black but I haven't been succesful so far. I have worked with ROS before, but I have never used openembedded or cross-compiled anything before, so I am pretty new to that. I followed the steps on the wiki and I have succesfully installed beagle-ros on my beaglebone. I can run ros without a problem. I have also installed the beginner-tutorials and it is working. The issues start when I go to the next step: Installing recipes. First, I can't find the "sources" directory on Angstrom. And also no meta-ros directory is there. So I went on and clone the bitbake, openembedded-core, meta-openembedded and meta-ros repositories. But I don't know how to go on from there. I am using the Angstrom version from 2013.09.04, which is supposed to be the last one.

Any help will be apreciated! Thanks in advance

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2016-11-09 13:20:35.857015