Root transform has no multi dof joint config
Whenever I try to construct a KinematicModel with my urdf, planning_environment throws the error:
"Root transform has no multi dof joint config"
My launch file attempts to launch the planning_environment environment_server, and includes multi_dof_joints.yaml, but it doesn't appear they're working correctly.
Which joint should be the multi dof joint? Or, is there some other problem of which I'm not aware?
EDIT: My biggest confusion on this arises from the following in KinematicModel:
Constructor passes in urdf, then: const urdf::Link *root = model.getRoot().get(); root_ = buildRecursive(NULL, root, multi_dof_configs);
The first line in build recursive: JointModel *joint = constructJointModel(link->parent_joint.get(), link, multi_dof_configs); This passes the model root in as "link".
In constructJointModel(const urdf::Joint *urdf_joint, const urdf::Link *child_link, const std::vector<multidofconfig>& multi_dof_configs): "link" is passed in as the child_link, which is compared against all the multi-dof child_frame_ids.
Doesn't this mean that in order for this to work, my model root must be listed as a child_frame_id in my multi_dof_joints.yaml?