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openrave with crustcrawler arm error in simulation

Hi, I am using the newly release openrave crustcrawler-ax12.zae file that has been released as part of the openrave supported robots and I am getting an error when I try to get it working in the simulation server. If I don't try to output it to the screen, it works fine.. Command: rosrun openraverobotcontrol simulationserver output="screen" --robotfile ~/rospackages/openraveplanning/openrave/share/openrave-0.4/robots/crustcrawler-ax12.zae --jointname J0 --jointname J1 --jointname J2 --jointname J3 --jointname J4 --jointname J5 --jointname Jwrist --jointname JLR [ INFO] [1316189774.354195998]: found openrave robot pdArm, numjoints=8 [ INFO] [1316189774.354445111]: publishing manipulator transform hand

But when I either just add output="screen" after simulation server entry above or when I try to run it as a lauch file (modified from the wam_sim.launch....I get the following errors. (same errors for both either way I try it).

[ WARN] [1316189631.472882286]: resetting and setting to idle: openrave (Assert): [/usr/include/boost/smartptr/sharedptr.hpp:418] -> T* boost::shared_ptr< >::operator->() const [with T = OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBase], expr: px != 0

Here is the modified code for my custom launch file which I call crustcrawlersim.launch modified from wamsim.launch

<![CDATA[ This script starts the openrave simulation server and a test controller. The test controller moves the robot and the simulator receives the robot joint angles and moves shows it moving. The script uses the WAM arm and sets the controllable joints usings its manipulator.

.. image:: launch/images/wam_sim.png :width: 400


Here are the names of the links and the joints from inspecting the crustcrawler-ax12.zae file Joints list: J0 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Jwrist JLR Links list: base arm0 arm1 arm2 arm3 arm4 arm5 hand0 hand1 LowerRight RightClaw UpperRight LowerLeft LeftClaw UpperLeft

Any help would be appreciated. I want to feel confident I can control the arm in the simulator before I try to really control it using the dynamixel package. -Scott

Asked by Scott on 2011-09-16 04:27:11 UTC

