openrave with crustcrawler arm error in simulation
Hi, I am using the newly release openrave crustcrawler-ax12.zae file that has been released as part of the openrave supported robots and I am getting an error when I try to get it working in the simulation server. If I don't try to output it to the screen, it works fine.. Command: rosrun openraverobotcontrol simulationserver output="screen" --robotfile ~/rospackages/openraveplanning/openrave/share/openrave-0.4/robots/crustcrawler-ax12.zae --jointname J0 --jointname J1 --jointname J2 --jointname J3 --jointname J4 --jointname J5 --jointname Jwrist --jointname JLR [ INFO] [1316189774.354195998]: found openrave robot pdArm, numjoints=8 [ INFO] [1316189774.354445111]: publishing manipulator transform hand
But when I either just add output="screen" after simulation server entry above or when I try to run it as a lauch file (modified from the wam_sim.launch....I get the following errors. (same errors for both either way I try it).
[ WARN] [1316189631.472882286]: resetting and setting to idle: openrave (Assert): [/usr/include/boost/smartptr/sharedptr.hpp:418] -> T* boost::shared_ptr<
Here is the modified code for my custom launch file which I call crustcrawlersim.launch modified from wamsim.launch
.. image:: launch/images/wam_sim.png :width: 400
Here are the names of the links and the joints from inspecting the crustcrawler-ax12.zae file Joints list: J0 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 Jwrist JLR Links list: base arm0 arm1 arm2 arm3 arm4 arm5 hand0 hand1 LowerRight RightClaw UpperRight LowerLeft LeftClaw UpperLeft
Any help would be appreciated. I want to feel confident I can control the arm in the simulator before I try to really control it using the dynamixel package. -Scott
Asked by Scott on 2011-09-16 04:27:11 UTC