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graspit_simulator database planner cannot load grasps from household-objects database

Hi all,

I am using the graspit simulator downloaded from with household-objects database.

When I was using the database planner, I couldn't load the grasps for the corresponding model. image description

I noticed that, in the household database(I am using householdobjects-0.4diamondbackprerelease2.backup), grasps were computed for WILLOWGRIPPER2010 and SHADOWHAND. But when I tried to "import Robot" in Graspit, it gave error when loading these two hand models. It was only successful on the original pr2gripper(pr2gripper.xml in the 'models/robots/pr2gripper' directory)

Error on loading SHADOW_HAND

Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
Setting up 20 degrees of freedom...
Creating 5 kinematic chains (fingers)...
Chain 0:   Creating joints
   Joint 0
   Joint 1
   Joint 2
   Joint 3
   Joint 4
  Creating links
   Link 0
Failed to compute inertia matrix based on geometry; using identity
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 1
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 2
Failed to compute inertia matrix based on geometry; using identity
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 3
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 4
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
  Creating dynamic joints
Chain 1:   Creating joints
   Joint 0
   Joint 1
   Joint 2
   Joint 3
   Joint 4
  Creating links
   Link 0
Failed to compute inertia matrix based on geometry; using identity
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 1
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 2
Failed to compute inertia matrix based on geometry; using identity
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 3
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
   Link 4
Using default inertia matrix
Using default center of gravity
  Creating dynamic joints
FIXED dynamic joints not yet fully supported
Failed to create dynamic joints
Failed to read chain 1
Failed to load robot from file
Deleting Hand: 
Deleting grasp
Deleted robot: 

Errors on loading WILLOWGRIPPER2010(pr2gripper2010.xml)

Unable to create robot of class Pr2Gripper2010

Any idea? thank you.

Asked by vincent on 2011-08-21 14:17:51 UTC

