Camera pose calibration: couldn't find file camera_pose_calibration_cache.bag
as I followed the camera pose calibration tutorial, I had to include the following lines to my launch files that start up the cameras:
<include file="$(find camera_pose_calibration)/blocks/calibration_tf_publisher.launch">
<arg name="cache_file" value="/tmp/camera_pose_calibration_cache.bag" />
When I start the altered launch-files, I get the following message: Couldn't find file [/tmp/camera_pose_calibration_cache.bag]. Skipping publishing.
I am able to see the aggregated view of my two cameras and the checkerboard is recognized. However, when the bar below each image becomes green, there is no 'beep' sound, indicating that a calibration sample was captured.
I suppose the problem is the lack of my camera nodes finding the camera_pose_calibration_cache.bag. Is there anyone who has a solution?
Thanks in advance,