Openni_camera starts ok, but no image/data.
I've just install ROS-Diamondback and Openni_kinect. I've did everything told on wikis. I've install this both manual and with package, but everytime I don't receive any data from sensor. If I do roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch, this happen...
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [2247] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 setting /run_id to e639cd8c-b3a9-11e0-8766-4c0f6ed792e5 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [2260] started core service [/rosout] process[openni_node1-2]: started with pid [2263] process[kinect_base_link-3]: started with pid [2264] process[kinect_base_link1-4]: started with pid [2265] process[kinect_base_link2-5]: started with pid [2266] process[kinect_base_link3-6]: started with pid [2267] [ INFO] [1311260319.304629415]: [/openni_node1] Number devices connected: 1 [ INFO] [1311260319.305017698]: [/openni_node1] 1. device on bus 003:06 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2ae) from Microsoft (45e) with serial id 'A00364A13327050A' [ INFO] [1311260319.308811029]: [/openni_node1] searching for device with index = 1 [ INFO] [1311260319.359187371]: [/openni_node1] Opened 'Xbox NUI Camera' on bus 3:6 with serial number 'A00364A13327050A' [ INFO] [1311260319.382045241]: rgb_frame_id = '/openni_rgb_optical_frame' [ INFO] [1311260319.385222797]: depth_frame_id = '/openni_depth_optical_frame'
Everything seems to work fine but when I do rostopic echo /camera/rgb/image_color, no data is streamed. Though if I run libfreenect or windows API, Kinect works perfectly...
Any idea how to solve this?