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Scan buffer not updated error

When I launch my movebase file, I get continuous warnings that the /scan observation buffer hasn't been updated yet. My movebase launch file and general setup are same as those here . In addition, I'm running transforms from /baselink to /map and /baselink to /odom. I'm also publishing to /scan using the the program given here , from the "base_link" frame.

What am I doing wrong?

Asked by PKG on 2011-07-18 10:22:50 UTC



Asked by PKG on 2011-09-03 13:47:28 UTC

is your laser scanner publishing on the scan topic?

Asked by mmwise on 2011-09-02 10:49:40 UTC

Hi, I have the same problem, could you solve the updating issue?

Asked by dneuhold on 2014-01-24 02:42:56 UTC
